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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
The Home Accountant
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Text File
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The Home Accountant
(c) Dragonwarez 1992 - 1993
Version 1.10
This program is designed to help you manage a set of
separate home accounts called a transaction base. That is, it
will allow you to maintain an account database, budget account
expenditures, and obtain a basic balance for an account or a
transaction base.
I decided to develop this when I tried to find a program
which performed these functions. I did find some programs which
perform the function my program does but there were a couple
things missing.
First of all, other programs of this nature seemed to
cover only checkbooks. My program is applicable to any sort of
account you may wish to track.
Second, other programs lack an ease of use that you will
find here. I use a lot of direct one keypress hot-keys so a
user may move easily through an account.
My program is not as fast at sorting and disk access,
but ease of use makes this disadvantage negligible. Also, the
sorting feature may be turned off with the in-house preferences.
This package is Freeware. In another words, this software
is completely free. You need not feel guilty about using it
without paying for it, because that is exactly what I want you to
do. The only thing I ask is that you do not take credit for it.
Dragonwarez is registered in the US, so if anyone shows up taking
credit for it (besides me), you will be <insert your favorite form
of legal torture here>. Therefore this archive, all its files,
and "The Home Accountant" are all Copyright 1992-1993 by
Dragonwarez. You may freely redistribute this program anywhere
you like. In whatever manner you do this your distribution
should have the following files:
The_Home_Accountant (script to start from WB)
Acct (size = 80,864 bytes; PowerPacked)
Acct.AMOS (size = 74,974 bytes)
There are to be no charges made for this program. Any
media costs associated with this program will total $1.00
(American) or less.
I hereby give permission to any second party to modify the
source and redistribute it for non-profit purposes. Also this new
distribution must include the original text files included in this
distribution. Mention must be made of me, the original author, by
the second party when releasing this modified version. I hope this
works to the benefit of all who use this package.
DISCLAIMER: I will not be responsible for ANY damage that
results directly or indirectly from the use of this software.
Example: your hard drive goes nuts while using this program and
you lose valuable data. I am not responsible for it. Another
example: you make a financial decision based on a figure this
software produced for you, and you lose your shirt. It's not my
problem. This software does not make decisions for you. It's
up to you how you use it. Please understand though, this
program has nothing in it that I put there that is intended to
damage anything. This is just to release myself from "implied
responsibilities" that some greedy, unscrupulous person may try
to exploit.
My hope for this program is that it will repay the Amiga
community in two ways. The first way is to simply have a good
piece of software available for all to use which does these
functions. The second is that people will save money through the
use of this program. Maybe these hopes are too far fetched, but I
would hope not since other packages have fulfilled similar goals.
If you have questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc then
you may get a hold of me in two ways. The first, and probably the
best, is email via the Internet. My address is
platt@mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu. If you do not have email access on
the Internet then conventional mail will serve just fine. When
contacting me in this manner, enclose a self addressed envelope
with sufficient postage and mail your letter (and the envelope)
Vincent Platt
908 - 18th Street North
Moorhead, MN 56560
If you do not enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope
then I may or may not return a response.
The above addresses are in the About item in the program
so just use that if you don't care to refer back to this file.
I hope you all find this useful!!!